Not only that, but there’s always a unique look about them that starts trends at least once a season. While the top handbags to date are French, Italian leather handbag designers frequently hold their own against them every season. No doubt the history surrounding the manufacturers (like Versaci and Fendi) only adds to this fact.Making a Statement Depending on the size and the design of your handbag, you can literally make a statement without saying a word.
A big Italian leather handbag can make your outfit bold by adding a pop of loud, vibrant color, or clashing with your primary colors. Bold metallic buckles and straps often look like you mean business; these types of bags are often seen on career women, and are carried with an air of confidence. In fact, the way an Italian leather handbag is carried speaks volumes, and for most women, is an important part of the look they’re trying to portray.
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